Vol. 3 No. 9 (2024): International Journal of Social Health

Published: 2024-09-05

Gadgets and Sleep Problems are Causes of Neck Pain in Young Adults

View: 67 568-577

Analysis of Factors Associated with the Incidence of Injury in Children Under Five Years in Cakung East Jakarta

View: 40 614-623

The Relationship Between Chemotherapy Management and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients in Yogyakarta

View: 61 646-653

Correlation of Vitamin D and Calcium Concentration in Infant of Mother with High Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency

View: 57 578-584

Dermal Acute Toxicity Test

View: 94 624-629

Hepatitis B

View: 74 555-567

Phenomenological Method as A Theoretical Basis of Qualitative Methods

View: 273 599-613

Determinants of Success and Complications in Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section: A Systematic Literature Review

View: 111 630-645