Vol. 2 No. 7 (2023): International Journal of Social Health

Published: 2023-07-28

This issue has been available online since 15th July 2023. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 10 authors from 3 countries (Nigeria, Pakistan and Indonesian).


Mesenchymal Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Treatment for Autism

View: 367 397-403

Comparison of the Effectiveness of Dual Antiplatelet and Mono Antiplatelet as Non-Embolic Ischemic Stroke Therapy

View: 216 404-410

Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance in A Young Infant, Can It Be Cured

View: 191 411-418

Sustainable Aspects in the Peunayong Heritage Area

View: 230 419-424

The Influence of Internal Control Effectiveness on Corruption Prevention with Performance Accountability as an Intervening Variable

View: 253 425-442

The Effect of High-Intensity Training on Blood Glucose Levels in The SMA Negeri 5 Pinrang Football Team

View: 192 443-448

The Influence of the Effectiveness of the Accounting Information System, Internal Auditor Quality, and Human Resource Competence on Financial Reporting Quality

View: 275 449-455

The Influence of Budget Size on Budget Performance with Budget Changes as a Moderator

View: 221 456-462

Demographic Patterns of Health Problems among Salon Operators in Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State

View: 157 463-470

A Literature Search on Child Abuse and Neglect: a Case Of Pakistan

View: 421 471-485