Comparison of the Effectiveness of Dual Antiplatelet and Mono Antiplatelet as Non-Embolic Ischemic Stroke Therapy

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Filipo David Tamara
Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia

Stroke is a clinical syndrome of acute, focal neurological deficits associated with vascular injury of the central nervous system. Stroke is not a single disease but can be caused by various risk factors, processes, and disease mechanisms. Ischemic stroke is the most common stroke, about 80-90% of all strokes. Based on the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) states that the prevalence of stroke that occurs in Indonesia is 10.9%, with the highest prevalence in the Riau Islands (12.9%) and the lowest in Papua (4.1%). This literature is written to compare the effectiveness of mono and dual antiplatelets as a non-embolic ischemic stroke therapy. The method in this study was a literature review that was searched using Pubmed, Google Scholar, Medline, Ebsco, Hindawi, Science Direct, and Cochrane, published in the last ten years. After obtaining the appropriate literature, the manuscript is written. Based on the results of the study, dual antiplatelet administration was more effective in preventing recurrent ischemic stroke and cardiovascular events in ischemic stroke patients when compared to mono antiplatelet. The recommended dual antiplatelet drugs are Clopidogrel and Aspirin. Based on the literature search, it can be concluded that dual antiplatelet administration is more effective in preventing recurrent ischemic stroke in stroke patients. However, some literature states that dual antiplatelet administration must still consider the potential increased risk of bleeding.

Keywords: ischemic stroke, dual antiplatelet, mono antiplatelet