Mesenchymal Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Treatment for Autism

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Deby Susanti Pada Vinski
Celltech Stem Cell Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia
Natasha Cinta Vinski
Celltech Stem Cell Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia

The purpose of this case is to see the effects of mesenchymal umbilical cord treatments when applied to patients with Autism. The observations are of patients attending the main clinic, "Celltech Stem Cell and Banking," in Jakarta, Indonesia. Findings on pre-treatments showed abnormally varying behaviors, physically as well as  psychologically. The treatments were conducted at the Celltech Stem Cell Lab clinics in Jakarta, based on good reasons that MCSUC are well-sourced, easy to collect and preserved, besides its traits of multi-directional differentiation. Patients undergoing the treatments showed calm and friendly behaviors and of the five cases presented, all fulfilled the pre-set standard criteria of recovery. This research has implications for paving the way for the development of innovative stem cell therapies for children with autism.

Keywords: stem cells, autism, autism spectrum disorder, treatment, mesenchymal stem cells