Analysis of Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction on PLN Mobile Users at PLN Tanjungpandan Customer Service Unit

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Arief Kusuma Aji
Institut Teknologi PLN, Jakarta, Indonesia

The PLN Mobile application is an application that can be used by smartphone devices that aim to provide services for PLN customers through digital media. The presence of the PLN mobile application is expected to increase customer satisfaction. This study aims to determine customer satisfaction factors, especially for PLN Mobile Application users. This study uses five variables, namely application reliability, interface display, complaints menu, and service response speed as independent variables, and customer satisfaction as the dependent variable, using multiple linear regression analysis. The method used in the study is using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the four independent variables could explain 93.4% of the dependent variable. In contrast, the remaining 6.6% was explained by other variables not included in this study. The independent variables X1 and X3 partially affect the dependent variable Y. In contrast, the independent variables X2 and X4 do not partially affect the dependent variable Y. The four independent variables together influence customer satisfaction variables. The empirical results of this study are higher level of application reliability and complaint menu, the higher the costumer satisfaction of PLN Mobile users.

Keywords: customer satisfaction, customer service, multiple linear regression, PLN mobile application