The Relationship Between Adherence to Oral Antidiabetic Medication and Fasting Blood Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Palmerah District Health Center in 2024
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia due to impaired insulin secretion or function. Data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2021 reported 19.47 million Indonesians living with diabetes. This research evaluated the impact of adherence to oral antidiabetic medication on fasting blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes patients at Palmerah Subdistrict Health Center. A cross-sectional analytic design was used with 52 respondents selected via consecutive sampling. Data were obtained through medical records and the MARS-5 questionnaire. Of the respondents, 55.8% (n=29) were female, and 44.2% (n=23) were male. Adherence to medication regimens was evenly distributed, with 25 patients (50%) adhering and 25 (50%) not adhering. Analysis showed significant differences in fasting blood glucose control. In the adherent group, 92.6% (n=25) achieved controlled blood glucose levels, while all non-adherent patients (100%) had high fasting blood glucose levels. Fisher's Exact test results (p=0.000) confirmed a significant relationship between adherence and blood glucose control. These findings highlight that medication adherence is crucial in managing type 2 diabetes. Practical implications include the need for targeted strategies to enhance adherence, such as patient education, reminders, and personalized support. Factors such as demographics, comorbidities, memory decline, and BMI also influence adherence, requiring a comprehensive approach. Consistent adherence improves glycemic control, reduces complications, and is essential for effective diabetes management.
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