Motivation of Travelers as a Driving Factor of Event Attendance in Creating Interest in Returns Visits Mediated by Visitor Satisfaction
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This study aims to determine and analyze tourist motivation as a driving factor for event attendance in creating repeat visitation intention mediated by visitor satisfaction. The method in this study uses quantitative methods. The population used in this study were visitors to a cultural event at the Branjang Tourism Village held in October 2021, the sample was selected using convenience accidental sampling. Based on the study's results, the first hypothesis is accepted, which means there is an influence. There is tourist motivation so that the wider community is willing to attend (event attendance) in the Branjangan cultural title. Hypothesis 2 is accepted, which means that it is influential; the community attending the event (event attendance) will contribute to visitor satisfaction with the Branjangan Culture Title. Hypothesis 3 is rejected, which means that it has no effect; event attendance does not affect increasing the public's interest in revisiting the next Branjangan Culture Event. Hypothesis 4 is accepted which means that it is influential, this means that the more visitors feel satisfied with the event, the more it will increase the interest of the community to revisit the Branjangan Culture Event. It can be concluded that event attendance will affect their Satisfaction. Furthermore, visitors who feel satisfied will have an impact on their interest in visiting again at the upcoming Branjangan Culture Exhibition event.