Characteristics on Deceased Traffic Victims Were Taken to Cirebon Waled Hospital in 2021-2023

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Savilla Rahmani Regita Putri
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon
Riza Rivani
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon

A wound is the loss or damage of part of the body's tissue that can disrupt the protective function of the skin due to the loss of continuity of epithelial tissue, whether with damage to other tissues or not. Traffic accidents often result in victims sustaining wounds that may lead to death. Research from the Open Data of Cirebon Regency indicates that in 2022, there were 201 fatalities, 959 minor injuries, and 3 serious injuries due to traffic accidents. Objective: To determine the characteristics of traffic accident victims who died and were taken to Waled Regional Hospital, Cirebon Regency, from 2021 to 2023. This research is descriptive and observational. The sample was taken from medical record data, totaling 56 samples based on inclusion criteria. The sampling technique used was total sampling. Based on the univariate analysis, this study found that the data includes 43 males (76.8%), 4 individuals aged 35 years (3.6%), with injury distribution in the head, upper extremities, and lower extremities totaling 9 (16.1%). The types of mechanical trauma amounted to 56 (100%), and the type of injury was fractures in 8 cases (14.3%). The characteristics of wounds in traffic accident victims based on gender showed that most were male. The most common age group was 35 years. The majority of wounds were distributed in the head, upper extremities, and lower extremities. The most frequent type of trauma was mechanical, and the most common type of injury was fractures.

Keywords: characteristics of deceased victims, traffic accidents
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