Risk Management Analysis Of Talus Development Projects

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Yeny Putri Sindy
Universitas Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta

The construction of the riprap in the Kertosari area is divided into four segments with the length of the riprap segment 1 STA i0+000 i – STA 1+600 with a riprap height of 2M, segment 2 STA 0+00 – STA 0 +200 with a riprap height of 2M, segment 3 STA 0+000 – STA 0+200 with a slope of 3M, segment 4 STA 0+000 – STA 0+200 with a slope of 3M and a project value of Rp. 15,250,000,000. - (Fifteen Billion Two Hundred and Fifty Million Rupiah). The objective of the research to be achieved from implementing the thesis research conducted in this project is to identify the impact of risks as a threat to the talus construction project and the appropriate risk response to the talus construction project. The House of Risk method has 2 stages of analysis, namely in the risk analysis process using HOR phase 1, which focuses on the risk identification process, including risk agents and events. The data obtained in this case study were taken from the Kertosari, Bambar, and Ganefo Talus development projects located in Sentani, Jayapura Regency which involved contractors, the three projects as respondents. Executors and the smallest percentage is 12.1%, i.e., Director, Project Manager, and Site Manager. The age of respondents who dominated this study was> 30 years. The working period of the respondents who dominated in this study was 1-5 years with a total percentage of 87.9 %.

Keywords: development of talud, executor, risk impact