Symbolic Meaning of Manorduk Dayok Nabinatur for Simalungun Culture

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Joinsen Krisantus Haloho
Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has many tribes and cultures. This diversity makes Indonesia a country that is very rich in culture. The author wants to highlight Simalungun culture, which is also the author's culture. In every traditional celebration, it can be said that this excellent food is central to carrying out this custom. The method used in this research is qualitative. This method clearly defines various research procedures to produce descriptive data from what is observed in Marhabaan cultural activities in writing or orally. The unity of a group with all its cultural values, is expressed by means of symbols. Simalungun culture has a custom, namely Marduk day ok nabinatur. In the processing of day ok nabinatur, each organ is separated and rearranged in an orderly manner as it benefits a live chicken. It starts from the head, neck, wings, legs, thighs, claws, back, and tail. Thus, as a society that lives and upholds Simalungun culture, it should continue to preserve the tradition of manorduk day ok nabinatur and pass it on from generation to generation as one of the characteristics of Simalungun culture with the aim of respecting and maintaining what was made by the ancestors of the Simalungun people.

Keywords: manorduk, dayok, prophet nature, symbols