Readiness of the Legal Education System in Indonesia in Facing the Era of Artificial Intelligence

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Henry Arianto
Universitas Trisakti, West Jakarta, Indonesia

Many parties are then worried about the development of artificial intelligence. Facing artificial intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly a challenge for the academic world, as it is difficult to prepare graduates to have abilities that can match artificial intelligence. Therefore, this research will discuss how the legal education system in Indonesia prepares Law Faculty students to be competent with AI in the digital era. This research is limited to the learning system at the Faculty of Law. This is due to the issue that in the future, with the presence of AI, many jobs in the legal field will be replaced by computers. This research also aims to see the readiness of the Law Faculty in preparing Law Faculty students to face the digital era and the presence of AI. This research falls into the criteria for Normative Legal Research using library research methods. It is said to be normative legal research, because the research only looks at the readiness of universities based on existing norms or rules relating to the legal education system. And it is said to be library research because the researcher did not conduct interviews or observations in collecting the data. The writer then analyzed the data obtained using a deductive method, where the researcher looked at general things first and then narrowed them down to specific things. The results and brief discussion show that Indonesia needs to strengthen its legal education system to face the challenges brought by artificial intelligence by taking several steps to change. With these steps of change, the legal education system in Indonesia will be better prepared to face the changes brought about by the era of artificial intelligence.

Keywords: Readiness, legal education system, artificial intelligence
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