The Invalidity of Renunciation of Inheritance According to Law in Kosovo

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Kastriote Vlahna
University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina", Pristina, Republic of Kosovo
Argona Kuci
South Eastern European University, North Macedonia
Dafina Vlahna
University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina", Pristina, Republic of Kosovo

As a complex legitimate wonder, the refusal of legacy has been the subject of noteworthy consideration in legitimate ponders in different nations. This investigation points to investigate perspectives related to the weakness of legacy dissent concurring with the law in Kosovo. The researcher uses expressive explanatory strategies to illuminate the miracle of women's heritage denial in Kosovo. The information used consists of two types: important information and additional information. Information collection strategies include consideration of perceptions, interviews and documentation. Preparation for the information examination begins with the translation of the meeting. Information is coded and categorized to differentiate designs and main findings. This investigation lasted six months, starting with preparation, gathering information, investigating information, and planning the final report. According to the Law on Inheritance of the State of the Republic of Kosovo, it is allowed for the heir to reject the property inherited from his parent or any other person; all this can happen because there are cases when the debts exceed the assets of the deceased. In this case, it may move you to disinherit.

Keywords: Right to inherit, relinquishment of inheritance, declaration, law
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