The Role of Environmental and Geographical Factors in the Education Process
Main Article Content
In the course of human history, continuous learning has been a vital component of societal development, underscoring the crucial role of a standardized educational environment. The academic setting significantly molds students' learning experiences, necessitating a profound comprehension by teaching staff of environmental factors influencing this process. This article aims to investigate the impact of environmental and geographical factors on the educational process, exploring how these elements shape educational environments and conditions. The research employs a comprehensive approach, delving into the diverse characteristics of environmental elements and their role in creating meaning within learning spaces. The study also analyzes key factors such as classroom size and lighting, recognized for their critical impact on optimizing learning environments. Findings offer valuable insights into the influence of environmental and geographical factors on education, unveiling crucial contributing elements to the creation of optimal educational spaces. The study's outcomes provide a foundation for improving educational structures and enhancing learning experiences by emphasizing the need for tailored learning environments aligned with children's behavioral patterns.
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