Islamic Religious Education Strategy in Instilling Character Moral Values in Adolescents
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Islamic religious education (PAI), in its implementation, requires appropriate strategies and methods to deliver educational activities towards the desired goals, including inculcating moral values in the form of speech, attitude and behavior. Inaccuracy in the practical application of the method will hamper the teaching and learning process, wasting time and energy. This study aims to determine the strategy of Islamic Religious Education in instilling the character of moral values. The type of research used is phenomenology with a qualitative approach. There are two types of data used, namely primary data and secondary data. The analytical method used is qualitative analysis. The results of research through appropriate learning strategies can improve the quality of learning well so that it can adapt to the differences of students, the ability to achieve tendencies, as well as the interests and intelligence of students well. Teachers can develop learning theme material and convey it through demonstration methods, inviting methods, modeling, and ignoring students if they do things that deviate beyond moral values in the learning process, also presented by demonstrating or demonstrating learning material. Apart from that, giving students the opportunity to develop character in Islamic religious education subjects will automatically affect the pattern of PAI learning strategies in schools/madrasas. By providing opportunities to develop the character of Islamic religious education students, it will automatically affect the pattern of PAI learning strategies in schools/madrasas. So that the management of learning in PAI subject matter must get a comprehensive study both in terms of material content, to the learning model used, including strengthening strategies so that they can be harmonious in responding to the character development of students.