Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
systems, administration, electronics, hospitals. |
manual approach is no longer the best option as healthcare services get more
complex. As a result, several hospitals are beginning to implement IT to get
around challenges and improve the efficacy and efficiency of their
operations. This study
aims to evaluate whether electronic administrative information systems can be
implemented in hospitals. This study is a qualitative descriptive one that
uses a literature review methodology. The author's choice of data for this
study is secondary data. The collected data will undergo descriptive
analysis. Based on the research findings, numerous advantages can be gained
from installing electronic administration information systems at hospitals,
notwithstanding any challenges or difficulties. Because they can improve the
effectiveness and efficiency of hospital services in registering and storing
patient data, registering, recording inpatient medical records, recording
doctor data, recording room data, and producing administrative reports that
management is required for decision-making and patient medical record
information for insurance claims, electronic administrative information
systems in hospitals are practical to implement. This study implies that
hospital administrators who utilize electronic administration systems can use
them as a reference source. |
DOI: 10.58860/ijsh.v2i6.55 |
Corresponding Author: Juwita Kasih
Email: juwitakasih@gmail.com
Along with
access to education and legal protection, receiving health services is one of
Indonesia's population's fundamental rights (Harahap
et al., 2022). About the effects of
environmental changes brought on by recent global advances, health is a crucial
problem. A division of public services, public health services are operated by
the government as public service providers (Listiyono,
2015). As a provider of health
services, the hospital has a responsibility to the community, particularly in
the region it serves, and to offer high-quality medical care (Gass
et al., 2023). In the meantime, the
hospital offers subspecialty or tertiary medical services and specialist or
secondary medical services (Tangdilambi
et al., 2019). Hospitals must raise the
calibre of their services in light of the accelerating technological
advancement and fiercer competition (Hidayah
et al., 2020). Quality is essential to
an institution's longevity. Therefore, hospitals must always uphold the public
trust by enhancing customer satisfaction through higher service quality (Mahfudhoh
& Muslimin, 2020). Many currently operating
hospitals try to win the public's trust by offering practical, high-quality
services. Despite being a service sector component, regional public hospitals
need better public perception compared to the quality of care provided by
private hospitals (Supartiningsih,
Making medical
records serves to help the attainment of efficient administration in hospitals
in order to enhance patient care (Amran
et al., 2022). Most hospitals employ a
manual approach, from patient identification to report preparation. Each work
unit's service activity data is stored on paper, which takes up a lot of
storage space and makes it challenging to locate the necessary data and information
et al., 2013). For instance, the ward's
ability to determine costs is hampered by the need to wait for data on
prescription prices provided to patients by the pharmacy, information on cost
records from the laboratory, and, if a cashier has been paid a security
deposit, the cashier's need to wait for data validity. This is because, under
the traditional administrative system, the finance department collects medical
spending data in stages beginning at the sub-district level. Not to mention the
fact that some hospitals permit the head of the room to decide the patient's
degree of ability and the amount of care or medication that is not charged to
the patient, which introduces some subjectivity into the calculations made by
each ward or room, deductions for each of these rooms must be provided, which
would undoubtedly harm hospital revenue and unilaterally reduce incentives for
health services, ultimately leading to double service standards (Handiwidjojo,
As healthcare
services become more complicated, the manual system is no longer the best
option. As a result, numerous hospitals are beginning to implement IT to get
around the challenges they are now facing and improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of their services (Sanjaya
et al., 2013). The Hospital Management
Information System (SIRS) can minimize the complexity of fragmentation of
health services to achieve efficiency in patient health care. It can support
hospitals to have a competitive advantage and be able to compete (Tulchinsky
et al., 2023). This integrated system can
support optimizing health services and increase efficiency (Fadilla
& Setyonugroho, 2021). A similar study named
"Analysis of the Implementation of the Utilization of the Hospital
Management Information System (SIMRS) at Kardinah Tegal Hospital" was
carried out by Setyawan (2016). The study used a
qualitative descriptive methodology, and its primary emphasis was Tegal's
kardinah General Hospital. This study looked at whether it would be feasible to
install computerized administration systems at various hospitals. The study
implies that hospital administrators utilizing electronic administration
systems in hospitals can use it as a reference source. Based on
the description above, it is critical to research whether adopting an
electronic administrative information system in hospitals is feasible. This
study aims to evaluate if electronic administrative information systems can be
implemented in hospitals.
This study is a qualitative descriptive one that uses a literature review
methodology. The author's choice of data for this study is secondary data. Data
collection involves gathering pertinent hypotheses from journals, books,
records, and other pertinent sources. The collected data will undergo
descriptive analysis. The descriptive analysis approach is used to gather the
data and facts acquired, analyze them, and then deliver the necessary information
(Nurlita, 2016). Literature study
research activity was carried out by collecting information and data with the
help of various materials in the library, such as reference books, results of
similar previous research, articles, notes, and various journals related to the
problem that you want to solve Sari & Asmendri (2020). The stages in
the analysis of this research data are as follows:
Record findings related to research
problems in each research discussion obtained in the literature and sources and
or the latest findings
Integrate all findings, both theory and
new findings
Analyze all the findings from various
readings, relating to the shortcomings of each source and the strengths or the
relationship between each of the discourses discussed in it.
Criticizing and providing critical ideas
on research results on previous discourses by presenting new findings in
collaborating different thoughts on research problems.
The hospital
management information system (SIMRS) is specifically created to assist in
managing and planning health programs. In contrast, the hospital information
system (SIRS) integrates data collection, processing, reporting, and use of
information needed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health
services through better management at various levels of health services (Kartikasari,
2019). The success of the
development and implementation of a Hospital Information System, according to Handiwidjojo (2017), will depend on the system's ability to function effectively
and efficiently, which can be accomplished with a sound system and management
support, training that supports the use process system, and improving the
quality of the system's hardware and software.
medical and non-medical patient information, hospital information systems play
a significant role in clinical and administrative services (Hariana et al., 2013; Mohammed et al., 2019). Clinical
services like medical documentation and laboratory information system nursing
have also resulted from using information system applications in numerous
hospitals. In
addition to registering and storing patient data, performing registration,
recording inpatient medical records, recording doctor data, recording room
data, and producing administrative reports needed by management for
decision-making as well as patient medical record information for insurance
claims are all included in this administrative function (Hariana et al., 2013; Handayani et al., 2020).
to, there are three stages in adopting the electronic administration system
at hospitals (Mehdipour &
Zerehkafi, 2018). They include:
1. The user training phase
The availability of skilled, experienced employees and
complete user engagement are the criteria that decide whether an information
system will remain operational in the long run. SOPs are required for
collecting, reporting, tracking down unreported data, data quality assurance,
data summaries, and giving feedback. In order to successfully adopt electronic
systems, end-user training is crucial (Mehdipour
& Zerehkafi, 2018).
2. Setup of the system
According to research, an electronic administration system is
necessary so that the administrator can log in, view the registration form,
doctor's form, and pharmacist's form, manage patient data, view the current
patient queue, manage doctor data, action data, drug data, polyclinic data,
social security data, manage user data, delete all queues, and manage hospital
data Handayani et al. (2020).
1. Hospital Management System Architecture
3. Upkeep and control of the
Things like the type of data to be
managed, whether the data is just the result of converting paper-based media to
electronic form or data in the form of digital images and data that has been
processed in video form, etc., must be taken into account during patient health
information management activities. It should be highlighted that all hospitals
can use data because of a uniform data format. Therefore, it would be
preferable to transmit the relevant data in a specific format, such as
Microsoft Excel. Hospitals can decide whether the information offered in patient
health information services is all-encompassing patient data, such as
all-encompassing patient data from the first patient registration until the end
of the medical examination, or merely partial data, such as the findings of a
patient's diagnosis. What matters is how data may be made accessible to all
health institutions thoroughly. Information systems from different institutions
can be integrated through a centralized health information management system,
among other methods, to integrate patient health information. We can benefit
from specific programs or applications. This system can offer a portal to grant
access to information, allowing only specific users to access patient health
data (Azizah
& Setiawan, 2017). Treatment or upkeep was
necessary in addition to management. Maintenance is a maintenance component;
during this activity, a user or user performs routine maintenance on the
information system to ensure that it continues functioning as intended.
The benefits
of employing an information system for outpatient clinic administration can assist
the clinic in providing health services of a higher calibre. Administrative
information systems help minimize data management errors and duplication (Leventhal
& Schreyer, 2020). Making reports that are
more accurate and have a lesser chance of error can be facilitated and sped up
with a computerized system (Handayani et al., 2020).
significant elements, including organizational factors, equipment factors, and
knowledge factors, impact obstacles in using information systems. Previous
research identified six barriers to the implementation of hospital information
systems, including user barriers related to beliefs, behaviours, and attitudes;
barriers to the profession of health service providers related to the
environment and job specifications of health service providers; technical
barriers related to computers and information technology systems;
organizational barriers related to hospital management; and financial obstacles
related to the implementation of hospital information systems. The two primary
categories of the six barriers that stand in the way of the Hospital
Information System's successful adoption are user and financial (Fadilla
& Setyonugroho, 2021).
Based on the
results of the research, electronic administrative information systems can be
implemented in hospitals because apart from the many advantages that can be
obtained from installing electronic administrative information systems in
hospitals, regardless of the challenges or difficulties. Electronic
administrative information systems in hospitals can increase the effectiveness
and efficiency of hospital services in registering and storing patient data,
registration, recording inpatient medical records, recording doctor data,
recording room data, and preparing administrative reports needed by management
for decision making and patient medical record information for insurance
claims, electronic administrative information systems in hospitals are
practical to apply. Suggestions for future research ideas can carry out
analysis with a greater focus on clinical service information systems in
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