Vol. 2 No. 6 (2023): International Journal of Social Health

Published: 2023-06-28

This issue has been available online since 25th June 2023. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 10 authors from 3 countries (Nigeria, India and Indonesian).


Environmental Agency of Sleman Regency's Waste Management Strategy

View: 220 312-320

Strengthening Legal Certainty for Land Ownership Based on Girik and Village Head Land Certificates

View: 241 321-329

Social Capital in Rizki Berkah Cooperative Business Group in Semper Timur Subdistrict, North Jakarta

View: 165 330-339

Efficacy of Anticonvulsant Administration as Seizure Prophylactic Therapy in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients

View: 183 340-344

A Phenomenology Approach to Rethinking Coastal Community Vulnerability Toward Sea-Level Rise

View: 242 345-353

Effect of Health Education on Posture Practices Towards Reduction of Low Back Pain Among Patients in Rivers State

View: 279 354-361

Assessment of Bank Health Level Using RGEC Method and Its Impact on Islamic Financial Distress

View: 412 362-376

Community Participation to Improve Tourism Industry Performance: A Case Study in Mandalika Lombok Tourist Area

View: 569 377-384

Feasibility Study of Implementation of Electronic Administration Systems in Hospitals

View: 191 385-390

A Study on Health Awareness During Pregnancy with Special Reference to Chamarajanagara District

View: 123 391-396