Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): International Journal of Social Health

Published: 2023-05-28

This issue has been available online since 25th May 2023. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 10 authors from 3 countries (Pakistan, India and Indonesian).


Strengthening Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership, Self-Efficacy, and Achievement Motivation in Increasing Innovation Efforts

View: 307 202-216

The Concept of Determining the Scale of Deserving Wages Received by Workers in Accordance with Applicable Regulations

View: 161 217-226

Analysis Of Factors of Compliance with Independent Participants Paying BPJS Kesehatan Contributions in Depok City, West Java

View: 164 227-234

Modeling and Optimizing Strengthening Parents' Interest in Sending Their Children to Private Schools

View: 160 235-248

Implementation of Follow the Money in Eradicating Corruption and Money Laundering

View: 229 249-264

Architectural Conservation: A Case Study of Multan Jain Swamber Temple

View: 299 265-271

Effectiveness of Implementation of the Child-Friendly School Program

View: 230 272-283

Pregnant Women's Health Study Supports Nanjangudu Taluk's Anganwadi Scheme for Maternal Well-Being

View: 208 284-294

The Effect of Regional Genuine Income, Profit-Sharing Funds, General Allocation Funds, and Budget Return Calculations on Official Travel Expenditure

View: 157 295-305

Correlation between Short Stature with Serum Ferritin Levels in Major Beta-Thalassemia Patients at Kediri District General Hospital

View: 151 306-311