Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): International Journal of Social Health

Published: 2023-04-28

This issue has been available online since 25th April 2023. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 10 authors from 2 countries (Uzbekistan and Indonesian).


The Legal Force of the Marriage Agreement Made by the Parties Before a Notary After the Marriage Has Taken Place

View: 193 121-128

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Prader-Willi Syndrome

View: 484 129-135

The Effect of Regional Taxes, Retribution and Profit-Sharing Funds on Infrastructure Capital Expenditures in Aceh, Indonesia

View: 159 136-142

The Influence of Auditor Professionalism, Experience and Knowledge on Audit Quality and Religiosity as Moderating Variables

View: 359 143-149

Analysis of Implementation of Sharia Accounting Standards and Muamalah Fiqh in Sharia Payment (Ar-Rahn) Financing System at Bank Mandiri Syariah Aceh Province

View: 280 150-155

The Role of the Internal Control System in Moderating the Influence of Budget Oversight, Organizational Commitment, and the Quality of Human Resources on the Quality of Financial Reports at Muhammadiyah University of Aceh

View: 139 156-167

Absorptive Capacity in Fashion Product Marketing: A Ratoc Perspective

View: 247 168-174

The Correlation of Students’ Academic Self-Concept Toward Student Learning Achievements in English Learning

View: 463 175-186

Characteristics of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Hyperthyroidism Accompanied by Tonsillitis and Thyroid Eye Disease with Ecg Images of Sick Sinus Syndrome (SSS) In Children and Adults

View: 390 187-196

Value Chain Analysis in Retail Shop Case Study: “Dizzle Otx Game Shop”

View: 245 197-201