Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): International Journal of Social Health

Published: 2023-01-28

This issue has been available online since 25th January 2023. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 5 authors from 1 countries (Indonesian).


The History of PGRI's Struggle to Achieve the Educational Goals of the Indonesian Nation

View: 251 1-6

The Effect of Organizational Culture and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. Galih Estetika Indonesia

View: 562 7-12

Legal Interpretation of the Constitutional Court on the Deadline Provisions for Imposing Pretrial Decisions Based on Decision Number 66/PUU-XVI/2018

View: 151 13-22

Communication of Prophet Muhammad Saw and The Musriks

View: 162 23-26

The Influence of Audit Findings, Auditor Change, Local Government Size, Leverage and Silpa on BPK Audit Opinions of Local Governments in Indonesia

View: 250 27-37