Vol. 2 No. 12 (2023): International Journal of Social Health

Published: 2023-12-28

Application of Child Witness Statements in Evidential Examinations in Criminal Cases

View: 251 933-939

Analysis and Conflict Management in Clinical Students School of Medicine and it is Review According to Islamic Views

View: 145 912-917

The Role of Tourism in the Development of Afghanistan

View: 381 954-961

Comparative Study of Tobacco Control Policy in Smoking Behaviour Between Lithuania and Indonesia

View: 219 940-947

Implementation of Repressive Social Control Against Narcotics Abusers or Addicts to Reduce Prison Overcapacity

View: 175 926-932

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy Vs Minoxidil in Men with Androgenic Alopecia: Systematic Review

View: 173 918-925

The Use of Honey for The Wound-Healing Process of Diabetes Mellitus

View: 194 962-968

Analysis of Social Factors In Improving Access and Utilization of Healthcare Services In the Community

View: 445 948 -954