Vol. 2 No. 10 (2023): International Journal of Social Health

Published: 2023-11-28

Implementation of a Model for Improving Radiology Staff Performance Based on Organizational Culture and Competency

View: 160 706-717

Comparative Analysis of Intensity Modulation Radiation Therapy and Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy in Brain Tumor Cases to Minimize Radiation Dose to Organs at Risk

View: 221 718-724

Implementation Policy Service Teleradiology in Facilities Health Services

View: 230 765-784

Impact of Covid-19 on Mobility: The Case of Lahore

View: 234 697-705

Accuracy of Prostate Volume Measurement on 2d Transabdominal USG Modality Using the Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) Segmentation Application Measurement Technique

View: 159 725-733

Challenges and Triumphs: a Case Report on Radical Penectomy and Perineostomy in Penile Cancer

View: 190 759-764

The Impact of Social Media on Society

View: 1220 785-791

Imdose Phantom Development For Quality Assurance And Control In Computed Tomography Imaging Study Of Image Quality And Dosage Assessment

View: 196 683-696

The Effect of Orientation on Increasing Knowledge and Reducing Anxiety During MRI Examination in a Radiology Installation

View: 174 734-739

Implementation of the Radiation Hazard Allowance Policy for Radiation Workers in Health Service Facilities

View: 202 740-758