Nazifah Husainah1,
Hasanah2, Mohamad Iswandi3
Universitas Muhammadiyah
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia,, emailiswandi@gmail.com3
work environment, work discipline, occupational safety and health |
research aims to analyze the influence of leadership on occupational safety
and health (K3), the influence of the work environment on occupational safety
and health (K3), the influence of work discipline on occupational safety and
health (K3) and the influence of leadership, work environment and work
discipline collectively on occupational safety and health (K3). A
quantitative approach is used in this type of research. The population in
this study is the project workforce at PT Haleyora Power, with 26,215 workers
and a sample size of 1,207 workers. The sampling technique used proportional
random sampling. The data collection method uses a questionnaire with data
analysis through multiple linear analysis. Based on the research results, it
was found that the influence of leadership on occupational safety and health
was 0.418, the influence of the work environment on occupational safety and
health was 0.432, the influence of work discipline on occupational safety and
health was 0.418, and the influence of leadership, work environment and work
discipline had a simultaneous coefficient on occupational safety and health
of 0.910. |
DOI: 10.58860/ijsh.v3i1.150 |
Corresponding Author: Mohamad Iswandi
In the modern era of globalization, when companies function in a constantly changing and interconnected global environment, organizations must actively improve the aptitude and capacity of their human resources in order to be competitive (Ponisciakova, 2020; Grabowska & Saniuk, 2022). They are realizing the critical role that human resources (HR) plays in promoting organizational success (Alqudah et al., 2022). Businesses must elevate HR to a position of utmost importance and make it a focal point of strategic initiatives and activities meant to promote expansion, innovation, and long-term excellence within the organization (Gupta, 2020). This intentional focus on strengthening and optimizing the human resources within an organization helps to create a workforce that is both skilled and flexible. It also puts the business in a position to take advantage of the opportunities and manage the challenges posed by the complex web of global business dynamics.
Ensuring the health and
safety of employees while they do their duties is a crucial matter that
requires the company's undivided attention (De
Cieri & Lazarova, 2021). This emphasis takes on even more
significance when one considers that workplace safety and health not only have
a substantial impact on the calibre and output of work but also are mandated by
government regulations. Ensuring rigorous adherence to these standards serves
to promote a positive business culture in addition to protecting employee
welfare. Furthermore, a company's overall sustainability can be determined by
its adherence to strong occupational safety and health practices, which not
only reduce potential risks and liabilities but also boost employee engagement,
morale, and long-term productivity—all of which help to build a strong and
durable organizational framework in the highly competitive global marketplace.
According to Setiono
& Andjarwati (2019) the purpose of work safety is to
provide workers with all-encompassing protection and to guarantee that their
safety rights are realized during their employment, protecting their lives and
health. Work safety is a human activity that is committed to achieving safety
within work operations. This dedication to work safety has an influence that
goes beyond personal well-being; it is especially important in the larger
national context, where it actively contributes to increased productivity at
work (Obrenovic
et al., 2020). It is based on a strategic approach
and entails the careful distribution and safe and effective use of production
resources to build a robust workplace. Not only does this dedication to work
safety put the health and welfare of employees first, but it also goes so far
as to guarantee the safety of everyone involved in teamwork, creating a
thorough system for a safe and peaceful work environment.
Meanwhile, according to Sholikin
(2020) and Rina
et al. (2023), occupational health and safety,
namely increasing and maintaining the highest level of social, mental and
physical well-being of all workers in every type of work, maintaining and
placing workers in a safe and healthy work environment, workers in all jobs are
protected from risks that arise due to factors that interfere with health, as
well as prevention of work-related health problems.
According to
and Wijono (2018), leadership is the process of
providing motivation to other people to work diligently to achieve company
goals. Leadership is also defined as an activity that influences other people and changes individual attitudes so that a goal
is achieved, whether for group or individual goals (Arifin et al., 2019).
According to Sugiyanti and Darmadi (2020), the work environment
includes things that exist near the workforce that cause a person to be
influenced to carry out the obligations that have been given to him, including
lighting, air conditioning, and others. The work environment is all the
materials and tools found, the surrounding environment where individuals work,
and the arrangements and work methods, whether for groups or individuals (Sedarmayanti, 2017). The work environment is
also defined as a direct working relationship with individuals in lower
positions, the same position, or those in higher positions (Effendy & Fitria, 2019).
to Jusman et al. (2022) Discipline is a force that
increases in the worker's own body which results in voluntary adjustments to
rules, decisions and high values of behavior and work. Individual attitudes
that are based on applicable rules, attitudes or work methods, actions and
behavior that are based on organizational regulations, whether unwritten or
written, are called work discipline (Rahayu, 2019; Salam et al., 2020). According to Hidayat (2021), discipline is management
activity in carrying out various organizational standards. Discipline is a form
of employee self-control and is carried out regularly and shows the level of
seriousness of the work team in an organization.
to Manuaba in (Ambarwati & Lataruva, 2014) states that the causes of
work accidents are:
1. Unsafe Human Actions
a. Carrying out work without authority or authorized
It occurs when a person performs a task or
work without proper permission or authority or when a worker who should be
authorized fails to successfully carry out the task.
b. Securing or warning someone:
Refers to the act of securing or warning
others nearby, such as in an emergency situation or when there is potential
c. Operating machine tools outside safe limits:
Engaging in operating tools or machines in
unsafe areas or outside established safety limits
d. Causing work safety equipment to not work:
It is related to actions that cause the
failure or non-functioning of work safety equipment that is supposed to protect
e. Improper/unsafe methods of lifting/transporting,
placing and storing items:
Involves the use of unsafe methods in
lifting, transporting or storing items, which can increase the risk of injury.
Using an
unfavorable/unsafe posture/body position:
Refers to using an attitude or body
position that is not good for safety, such as working in a position that can
cause injury.
g. Working with moving or dangerous tools/machinery:
Engaging in work with moving or dangerous
tools or machines without observing required safety procedures.
h. Conduct disruptive, abusive, and overreaching actions:
These actions include behavior that may
disrupt a situation, abuse power, or exceed established safety limits.
2. Unsafe Physical and Mechanical Conditions
a. Insufficient/non-working safety devices:
Refers to conditions where safety devices
do not function properly or do not function at all, increasing the risk of
accidents or injuries.
b. No safety measures:
Occurs when there are no necessary safety
facilities or equipment to protect workers from potential hazards or accidents.
c. Presence of unsafe conditions:
Refers to conditions in the work
environment that do not meet safety standards, such as leaks of hazardous
substances or instability of building structures.
d. Poor design:
Indicates the design of equipment or
workplaces that do not adequately consider safety aspects, which can increase
safety risks.
Setting work processes
that are dangerous or contain risks, such as too heavy a body or
narrow/irregular roads.
the most valuable asset, human resources need to be ensured to be able to work
optimally, safely and effectively (Tien et al., 2021; Sinambela et al., 2022). Occupational safety and
health are variables that need to be considered. Occupational safety and health
protection is one of the various aspects of labor protection. This protection
is intended to ensure that the workforce can work safely, which increases
productivity (Brauer, 2022; Friend et al., 2023).
of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 2018
concerning Occupational Safety and Health The work environment, limiting
occupational safety and health with the abbreviation K3, namely all activities
to protect and guarantee the safety and health of workers, through efforts to
prevent work-related diseases and work accidents (Djatmiko, 2021; Putri et al., 2022).
The cited works of
Laurent and Wijono (2018), Sugiyanti and Darmadi (2020), and Jusman et al.
(2022) offer vital foundational insights that are greatly beneficial to the
research named "The Influence of Leadership, Work Environment, and Work
Discipline on Occupational Safety and Health." In the context of
occupational safety and health, these views together provide the conceptual
foundation for the study, allowing for a thorough investigation of the
interrelated roles of leadership, work environment, and work discipline. The
research benefits from a clear framework that uses definitions to explain
discipline as an internal force influencing individual actions, leadership as a
motivating process, and the work environment as including both physical and
relational elements. This comprehensive knowledge not only clarifies the goals
of the study but also establishes the framework for investigating the ways in
which these elements interact to improve occupational safety and health in
organizational contexts. The study is well-positioned to provide complex
insights that connect theoretical underpinnings with real-world applications
for businesses looking to maximize worker safety.
This research is
quantitative descriptive research. The population used in this research is the
project workforce, which totals 26,215 workers. For the research sample, 1,207
employees were carried out from a minimum sample of 379 workers in accordance
with the Krenjtie and Morgan table, as attached, with an error rate of 5%. In
this study, researchers used the Probability Sampling method. Meanwhile, the
method for collecting questionnaire data in this research is that researchers
create a Google form, which will be distributed and filled in by workers. From
the literature review, a theoretical framework has been prepared which states
the influence between variables. The model below is used to determine the
variables of completeness of work equipment, discipline, and leadership
assertiveness towards occupational safety and health. For more clarity, the
theoretical framework in this research is described as follows:
Figure 1. Framework for thinking
Multiple linear regression model
X1: Leadership variable, also called
independent variable
X2: Work environment variables al,
so-called independent variables
X3: Work discipline variable, also called
independent variable
Y: Occupational safety and health
variables al, so-called dependent variables
This research analyzes
validity testing through analysis based on respondents' answers to the
questionnaire. Implementation of validity testing by conducting correlation
analysis of each question item from the total value of each variable. The
correlation of each question item and the total value of each variable is
carried out using a correlation technique, namely Pearson's product-moment so
that it is known whether the analyzed variable is valid or not, then compare
the correlation results from the critical numbers. The correlation table at the
degree of freedom (df) = n - 3, as well as the level of significance, is 5%.
The basis for making decisions is if the validity test results produced exceed
the critical number of the correlation table, the question item is declared
valid. Use of the Alpha Conbrach technique in reliability testing through the
use of a computer in the form of the SPSS program. A variable is said to be
reliable or reliable if an Alpha Conbrach (α) value > 0.6 is obtained.
In this study, normality was tested using the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test on the basis of making a decision, namely if the probability of significance
exceeds 5% so that the assumption of normality is met by the regression model.
To find out whether there is heteroscedasticity or not, it can be seen from the
Glesjer test. Suppose each independent variable has a probability of
significance > 0.05. In that case, it can be concluded that scorchedasticity
in the regression model does not occur. A regression model has guidelines that
are free from multicollinearity and have a Tolerance Value exceeding 0.1, while
the VIF limit is 10 and has a number close to that.
Figure 2. The results of the
In the influence of
leadership on occupational safety and health, according to the hypothesis test,
the leadership coefficient value is 0.418, and the significance level is 0.000
below 0.05. This shows that leadership has a positive and significant influence
on occupational safety and health (Basalamah,
The influence of the work
environment on occupational safety and health. Based on the hypothesis test
above, the work environment coefficient value is 0.432, and the significance
level is 0.000 below 0.05. This shows that the work environment has a positive
and significant influence on occupational safety and health (Fahmi
et al., 2022).
Regarding the influence
of work discipline on occupational safety and health, according to the
hypothesis test above, the work environment coefficient value is 0.418, and the
significance level is 0.000 below 0.05. This shows that Work Discipline has a
positive and significant impact on occupational safety and health (Suryanto
et al., 2023).
The combined simultaneous
coefficient value of 0.910 for work safety and health reflects the research
findings, which demonstrate a strong positive and statistically significant
influence of leadership, work environment, and work discipline. The fact that
these factors have a significance level below 0.05 highlights how important
they are in promoting workplace safety and health. It is recommended by
practical implications that firms implement integrated safety strategies that
include leadership development initiatives, workplace optimization, and work
discipline promotion. Long-term impact evaluations, industry-specific
variations, technological integration, psychological elements of safety, and
customized interventions for certain work disciplines are some areas of future
research that could be explored to improve workplace safety standards.
Based on the results of
research that has been carried out to determine the influence of leadership,
work environment and work discipline on occupational safety and health
partially and simultaneously, the following conclusions can be obtained: 1)
Leadership has a positive and significant influence on occupational safety and
health of PT Haleyora Power employees 2) The work environment has a positive
and significant influence on the occupational safety and health of PT Haleyora
Power employees 3) Work Discipline has a positive and significant impact on the
occupational safety and health of PT Haleyora Power employees 4) Leadership,
work environment and work discipline together have a positive and significant
influence on the work safety and health of PT Haleyora Power employees.
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