Nazifah Husainah1,
Imam Muhtadin2, Idhan Junhanna3
Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia,,
compensation, career development, employee performance |
research aims to determine the influence of competence, compensation, and
career development on the performance of computer administrator employees at
the Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI). This research adopts a
quantitative data approach. Then, the data will be processed and analyzed
using mathematical calculation techniques or multiple linear regression model
statistics using SPSS 25 software. The sample involved in this research is a
saturated sample of 98 computer administrator employees. The results of the
analysis will be described using descriptive and associative research
methods, which will be used to test the hypothesis. The conclusions of this
research show that (1) Competence has a positive and significant effect on
the performance of computer administrator employees; (2) Compensation has a
positive and insignificant effect on the performance of computer
administrator employees; (3) Career development has a negative and
insignificant effect on the performance of computer administrator employees;
and (4) Competence, compensation, and career development have a positive and
significant effect on the performance of computer administrator employees. |
DOI:10.58860/ijsh.v3i1.145 |
Corresponding Author: Idhan Junhanna
Information Technology (IT) has a
significant role in the current era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, so human
resources with superior competencies are needed in this field (Darmaji et
al., 2019; Ammirato et
al., 2023). The government responded to this
challenge by establishing a functional position that specializes in the field
of ICT, namely the Functional Position for Computer Administrator (JFPK).
Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic
Reform (Permenpan-RB) of the Republic of Indonesia number 32 of 2020 concerning
Functional Positions of Computer Administrators explains that JFPK is a
position that handles duties, responsibilities, authority, and rights to carry
out computer-based IT system activities. Civil servants hold JFPK in accordance
with certain competency requirements and standards according to regulations.
Human Resources Management (HR) is an
important part that can help a company or organization achieve its goals (Vardarlıer,
2016; Mahapatro,
2021). One part of HR management is
employee performance, which can be used as a measure or benchmark for
organizational success. Rivai
(2016) states that performance is a real
manifestation of the behavior of each individual, reflecting the achievement of
employee work results according to their role within the company or
organization so that employee performance will have an impact on the
performance of the company or organization.
The Audit Board of the Republic of
Indonesia (BPK RI) is a high state institution which received a mandate from
the 1945 Constitution (UUD) to carry out audits of the management and
responsibility of state finances response to the development of the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 era by making IT the driving force in carrying out every
business process and ensuring the security of information system data. Employee
data for 2022 shows that the number of new Computer Administrator employees is
33.33% of the total requirement or formation. This causes BPK RI to face
significant challenges in achieving sustainable improvements in audit
performance and IT-based organizational structures. Apart from the condition of
the number of computer administrator employees, which is not yet ideal, the
performance score of the work unit which has duties and functions related to
managing the IT sector at BPK RI, namely the Information Technology Bureau (IT
Bureau), tends to experience a downward trend in the last three years (2020 to
It is thought that the performance of computer
administrator employees performance has not been optimal and is also influenced
by career development variables. Currently, in the BPK RI environment, career
development is not entirely based on individual employee performance. Indeed,
employee performance values have been used as one of the considerations in the
employee career development system but have not yet become the main
consideration. This condition is not in accordance with Government Regulation
Number 30 of 2019 concerning civil servant (PNS) Performance Assessment, which
states that civil servant performance assessments are used as a reference in
developing civil servant careers. Apart from that, there are potential
obstacles to career development for computer administrator employees in the
future due to the decreasing number of formations for higher-level positions. Based
on the research by Sri Rahayuningsih (2017) with the title "The Influence
of Competence, Compensation, and Career Development on Employee Performance (A
Study at PT. Aquafarm Nusantara Semarang)," it is shown that career
development has a positive and significant impact on employee performance at PT
Aquafarm Nusantara Semarang.
It is thought that the performance of
computer administrator employees performance has not been optimal, which is
also influenced by compensation variables. There is a strategic issue raised in
the strategic plan at the personnel management work unit level at BPK RI,
namely the HR Bureau, regarding the condition of compensation currently
received by employees, namely that the compensation in the form of performance
allowances given does not take into account the individual performance of the
employee. Based on PAN-RB Ministerial Regulation number 62 of 2011 concerning
Guidelines for Structuring the Performance Allowance System for civil servants,
it is possible to add and subtract performance allowances based on employee
performance achievements. However, currently, BPK RI provides compensation in
the form of performance allowances and has not fully considered the performance
of existing employees. Apart from that, based on the existing information for
performance allowances for computer administrator employees within the BPK RI,
the amount is still below the provisions of Presidential Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia number 188 of 2014 concerning Employee Performance
Allowances within BPK RI. This is consistent with the findings of the research
conducted by Prima Salam, Abid Djazuli, and Choiriyah (2022) titled "The
Influence of Compensation, Competence, and Work Environment on the Performance
of Employees of the Health Department of South Sumatra Province," which
indicates that compensation has a positive and significant relationship with
employee performance. The higher the compensation received by employees, the
higher the performance produced by the employees of the Health Department of
South Sumatra Province.
The performance of computer administrator
employees has not been optimal and is thought to be influenced by competence
variables. Currently, the capacity of IT human resources at BPK RI who have
Data Science competency does not yet meet the needs for utilizing Big Data
Analytics and Business Intelligence to support BPK RI to become the center for
state financial analysis. Apart from that, the technical education and training
agenda in the field of information technology (IT) organized by the State
Financial Audit Education and Training Agency (Bandiklat PKN) experienced a
downward trend in the number of lesson hours from 2019 to 2021. The research
results from "Sri Rahayuningsih (2017) with the title 'The Influence of
Competence, Compensation, and Career Development on Employee Performance (A
Study at PT. Aquafarm Nusantara Semarang)' show that competence has a positive
and significant impact on the performance of employees at PT. Aquafarm
Nusantara Semarang."
Based on the issues
explained in the preceding paragraphs, the researcher is interested in
conducting a research with the title "The Influence of Competence,
Compensation, and Career Development on the Performance of Computer
Administrator Employees at the Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia (BPK
Performance includes work
achievements achieved by individuals or groups in a company in line with their
responsibilities and authority and in accordance with efforts to achieve
company targets by legal means, without committing illegal acts, and without conflicting
with ethics and morals (Afandi, 2018). A similar opinion was expressed by Rivai (2016) that performance is a real manifestation of the
behavior of each individual, reflecting the achievement of employee work
results according to their role within the company or organization. Therefore,
it can be said that employee performance will influence the performance of the
company or organization. The government issued the Republic of Indonesia
Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019, or PP no.30/2019, concerning the
Performance Evaluation of Civil servants (Cahyarini & Samsara, 2021). According to PP
no.30/2019, the definition of civil servant performance is the work achievement
obtained by each civil servant in an organization or unit in accordance with Employee
Performance Targets (SKP) and Work Behavior (Government Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia, 2019). Furthermore, Employee
Performance Targets is a performance plan and targets to be achieved within one
year, while every behavior carried out or not carried out by civil servants
based on legal regulations is referred to as Work Behavior.
Mathis and Jackson explain
that the aspects that influence employee performance (Iresa et al., 2015) are:
Organizational support
This factor is related to organizations/companies that provide facilities
in the form of management for their employees, equipment, development and
training, and technology.
Hard work put in
These factors include attendance, work ethic, and motivation.
Individual abilities
These factors include personality, talent and aptitude factors.
The performance achieved by employees can be
determined by assessing employee performance within a certain period of time.
Mathis and Jackson argue that performance appraisal is an evaluation process to
assess how well employees carry out their duties compared to the parameters and
guidelines of the company or organization, which is then communicated to
employees (Yohannes, 2017; Aliu, 2020). There are special regulations in PP no.30/2019 to
assess the performance of civil servants (Siyoto & Wardani, 2023). These regulations state
that evaluation of civil servant performance is carried out by referring to
performance planning at the employee's personal level, as well as at the work
unit or organization level (Government Regulations of the Republic of Indonesia, 2019). This assessment considers
the achievement of results, achievement of targets, benefits generated, and behavior
of civil servants.
According to PP regulation no.30/2019, the
dimensions and indicators of civil servant performance are:
Employee Performance Targets
It is a performance plan and targets to be achieved within one year.
Indicators include:
2) Work behavior
Is every
behavior carried out or not carried out by civil servants based on legal
regulations. Indicators include:
a. Cooperation,
b. work initiative,
c. Commitment,
d. Leadership,
e. Service orientation.
Optimal performance for an
employee is influenced by various factors, including their competence.
Employees need to have adequate competence according to the scope of their work
(Parashakti et al., 2020). According to Spencer and
Spencer, as quoted by Edison et al. (2017), competence can be identified as a basic individual
characteristic related to a cause-effect relationship or the impact of the best
and most effective implementation on a particular job or situation.
Furthermore, Mitrani's opinion quoted by (Busro, 2018) explains that competence includes a person's innate
characteristics that can be predicted in various conditions and work tasks.
Furthermore, in the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment
and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia number 38 of 2017 or
Permen PAN-RB no.38/2017 concerning Competency Standards for State Civil
Apparatus (ASN), it is explained that civil servant competency standards
include all skills, knowledge, and behavior that civil servant is needed to
complete their responsibilities in the workplace (PAN RI, 2017).
PAN-RB Ministerial Decree
no.38/2017 competency includes knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior that
can be observed, measured, and developed, so the competency aspects of civil
servant positions are the following (PAN RI, 2017) :
Technical competency
This competency is related to the technical field of the position.
Managerial competence
This competency is to help lead and manage an organization.
Socio-cultural competence
This competency is to achieve work results in accordance with their role,
function, and position. Each position holder must have experience interacting
with diverse communities in terms of religion, ethnicity, culture, behavior,
national insight, ethics, values, morals, emotions, and principles.
Several choices of methods/techniques
can be used to measure these competencies. According to Sedarmayanti (2016), competency can be measured through the following
Behavior-Event-Interview (BEI)
This interview method has been proven to accurately determine a person's
abilities. The main principle of BEI is to collect comprehensive information
about an employee's work history related to:
Concrete actions taken by employees in certain
situations, not just potential actions that might be taken.
The thoughts and feelings experienced by employees
in certain situations.
Through this approach, we can not only identify the existence of
competence in a person but can also determine the exact level or level of
competence. This information becomes the basis for applying competencies in
various aspects of human resource management in an organization.
Work sample tests, mental ability tests, and personality tests are types
of tests to measure a person's abilities.
Employees are placed in a location for several days to participate in a
series of activities, which are then assessed by assessors. Some activities
generally carried out include mail basket exercises, pressure training
exercises, interviews, presentations about vision, mission, and strategy, or
group exercises without a leader.
Work experience can show several abilities, such as achievement
motivation, which can be seen from academic results, the ability to build
relationships from the social activities in which one participates, or team
leadership in the organizational activities that one leads.
Leaders, peers, subordinates, customers, or specialists can assess
ratings. Several assessment methods are often referred to as 360 assessments,
including customer surveys, management style, organizational environment, and
competency assessment questionnaires.
Regulation of the Secretary General of the Republic of
Indonesia BPK Number 23 of 2022 concerning Descriptions, Specifications, and
Maps of Functional Positions of Computer Administrators within the Financial
Audit Agency states that job specifications in the form of dimensions and
competency indicators that must be possessed by employees who hold functional
positions of computer administrators (JFPK) include: as follows:
1) Rank and class, which includes:
a. Rank is the lowest rank requirement to occupy
certain positions in the JFPK.
b. Space group is a requirement for the lowest
space group to occupy certain positions at JFPK.
2) Education and Experience, which includes:
a. Education is the lowest educational
requirement to occupy certain positions at JFPK.
b. Experience is the minimum experience
requirement (in years) to occupy certain positions at JFPK.
3) Managerial Competencies, which include:
a. Collaboration is the ability to form,
maintain, and maintain productive working relationships, with a commitment to
supporting each other in completing tasks and optimizing all resources to
achieve the organization's strategic goals.
b. Integrity means behaving consistently in
accordance with organizational values, ethics, and standards; being honest with
management, coworkers, direct reports, and stakeholders; creating an ethical
work environment; and being responsible for the decisions or actions taken, as
well as the risks accompanying them.
c. Results orientation, namely the ability to
maintain a high commitment to completing tasks, be reliable and responsible,
and systematically identify risks and opportunities by paying attention to the
relationship between planning and results.
d. Communication is the ability to convey ideas
and views clearly, systematically, and supported by logical arguments both
orally and in writing; ensuring that people listen; and influencing,
convincing, and encouraging others to achieve organizational goals.
e. Self-development and other people's
development is a skill to increase knowledge and hone personal skills. This
involves inspiring others to develop and refine knowledge and skills relevant
to employment and long-term career development. In addition, it also includes
motivating people to have a willingness to learn throughout life and providing
advice, feedback, and guidance to help others explore their potential.
f. Public Service is the skill to carry out tasks
and develop and manage government to meet public service needs in a
professional and transparent manner. This is carried out in accordance with
service standards that are objective, neutral, impartial, without
discrimination, and not influenced by personal interests, groups, or political
g. Decision-making is the skill of making the
right decision at the right time and with confidence after considering the
precautionary principle. This involves making decisions systematically and
thoroughly based on various information, solution options, and their
consequences. Apart from that, individuals who have this ability are also
responsible for the decisions they make.
h. Managing change is the skill of adapting to
new or changing situations without relying too much on old methods and processes.
This involves taking action to support and implement change initiatives,
leading change efforts, and taking personal responsibility for ensuring that
change is implemented effectively.
4) Socio-Cultural Competency, which includes:
bond of unity is the ability to increase attitudes of tolerance, openness and
sensitivity towards individual or community differences. By uniting people in
Indonesia's diversity and building socio-psychological relationships with them,
we can become an extension of the government. This creates strong relationships
not only between civil servant and stakeholders but also between the
stakeholders themselves. This involves maintaining, developing, and creating a
sense of unity and oneness in living together as an Indonesian society, nation,
and state.
5) Technical Competency, which includes:
Technical abilities
in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at the position
level at JFPK.
Compensation is a form of
return, both financial and non-financial, given by a company or organization to
its employees in recognition of their contribution to the company or
organization (Jaleta et al., 2019). Dessler (2017) explains that compensation includes payments given
to employees and matters related to them. Meanwhile, Hasibuan (2012) explains compensation as all forms of income in the
form of money and direct or indirect goods employees receive as a contribution
to the company.
Edison et al. (2017) explain the aspects that influence
compensation, namely:
1) Applicable payroll rate
determination of salary/wage amounts is based on survey results regarding
payroll systems used by various organizations for certain fields of work.
2) Union demand
Demand for wage
and salary levels by trade unions greatly influences the size of wages and
3) Productivity
need a productive workforce to achieve organizational goals and objectives. If
employees do not receive compensation commensurate with their work, they will
likely not do their best work, which in turn leads to decreased productivity.
4) Company salary/wage standards
The company's
salary/wage standards can be seen in the amount of salary received by
employees. Apart from the basic salary, other components are considered in this
policy, such as position allowances, family, child, health assistance, bonuses,
transportation, and others.
5) Legislation
The government
regulates employment elements and various aspects of employee life. This
includes rules regarding working hours, minimum wages, overtime, and other
Regarding the type of compensation given to civil
servants according to Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 5 of 2014 or Law
no. 5/2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (2014:15) in the form of salary,
allowances, facilities, leave, pension security, old age security, protection,
and competency development.
Providing compensation to employees has a number of
objectives, one of which is to encourage employee motivation to continue to
improve their performance to achieve company or organizational goals. According
to Sedarmayanti (2016), the objectives of the compensation system
1) Rewarding Performance
Compensation is
used as a form of reward for good performance.
2) Guarantee Justice
compensation system is designed to ensure fairness in payments to each
3) Retaining Employees
competitive compensation, organizations strive to retain talented and potential
4) Obtaining Quality Employees
systems can help organizations attract and retain high-quality employees.
5) Controlling Costs
It is the goal
to manage compensation costs efficiently and effectively.
6) Meet Regulations
compensation system must comply with the applicable rules and regulations
within the scope of employment.
Badriyah (2015) explains that there are several dimensions and
indicators of compensation, namely:
1) Salary/wages
are a form of compensation given periodically to permanent employees with definite
guarantees. Some indicators related to salary provision include:
b. Salaries are paid fairly.
c. Salaries are paid well.
2) Incentive.
Incentives are
paid to employees who achieve or exceed performance standards. Incentives are
intended to increase their motivation to work and increase productivity. Some
indicators related to providing incentives are:
a. Incentives are paid on time.
b. Incentives are paid fairly.
c. Incentives are well paid.
3) Bonus
Bonuses are
given as appreciation for work results that exceed predetermined targets.
Provided regularly as part of company profits. Some indicators related to
giving bonuses involve the following:
a. Bonuses are paid on time.
b. Bonuses are paid fairly.
c. Bonuses are paid well.
4) Allowance
Benefits such
as health benefits, old age benefits, and compensation for illness, leave, and
major holidays are forms of compensation that aim to provide comfort and
security in the workplace. Several indicators related to the provision of
benefits include:
a. Providing accident benefits.
b. Providing health benefits.
c. Providing holiday allowances.
5) Facility
Activities that
provide services to employees by providing necessities that make it easier for
them to work are called facilities. Some indicators in providing facilities
a. Complete work facilities.
b. Decent work facilities
Career development
According to Andrew J. Dubrin, as quoted by Mangkunegara (2011), career development is an activity in the field
of human resources that helps employees plan their future careers in the
company. This career development aims to ensure that both the company and
employees can achieve optimal self-development (Nahoda, 2020).
Aspects that influence career development are based on
the explanation from (Siagian, 2012) below:
1) Fair treatment in career.
Career fairness
can be achieved if promotion standards are based on rational, objective
considerations and are widely known by employees.
2) Concern from superiors.
Most employees
expect that their superiors are directly involved in their career planning.
3) Information related to job promotion
Employees need
information media regarding opportunities for promotion, especially if the
vacancies are filled through a competitive internal selection process.
4) Desire to be promoted.
A flexible and
proactive approach to fostering employee desire for career development is a
flexible approach.
5) Level of satisfaction.
Most people want to
achieve development and progress in their careers, but the measurements of this
success vary. The measure of success in this context does not always have to be
achieving a high position in the organization. In reality, satisfaction can
mean reaching a certain level in a career, realizing that this achievement is
already the maximum result, and that further effort may be unrealistic or
Career development is necessary because it has certain
goals; according to Muhammad Busro (2018), the goals of career development are as
1) Analyzing a person's abilities and interests
to match the needs of the organization.
2) Develop yourself to improve your abilities in
accordance with organizational needs, both in profit and non-profit
3) Provide opportunities for employees to fill
important positions in the organizational structure.
development in an organization or company has a cycle or stages; according to Fatahullah (2018), the stages of career development are:
1) Early stage.
The initial
stage, often referred to as early career, emphasizes attention to ensuring
basic needs are met during the initial period of work.
2) Advanced Stage.
The advanced
stage marks a reduced focus on ensuring security but still emphasizes
self-esteem, liberation, and achievement.
3) Maintenance Stage.
The maintenance
stage involves a person's efforts to maintain the benefits of success that have
been obtained from work in the past.
4) Retirement Stage.
The retirement
stage is when a person has passed a predetermined productive period.
dimensions and indicators are used as references in assessing career
development within an organization or company. Busro (2018) explains that there are three dimensions of
career development, namely:
1) Clarity about careers.
Assessed by
a. Clear job promotion.
b. Opportunity to become a leader.
c. Opportunity to occupy a position in the
organizational structure.
2) Self-development opportunities.
Assessed by
a. Ease of participating in training.
b. Ease of continuing higher level education.
c. Ease of participating in seminars.
d. Ease of taking part in courses related to
skill certification.
3) Improved performance quality.
Assessed by
a. Increased discipline.
b. Loyalty.
c. Employee motivation increases.
The performance of computer administrator
employees has not been optimal and is thought to be influenced by competency
variables. Currently, the capacity of IT human resources at BPK RI who have
Data Science competency does not yet meet the needs for utilizing Big Data
Analytics and Business Intelligence to support BPK RI to become the center for
state financial analysis. Apart from that, the technical education and training
agenda in the field of information technology (IT) organized by the State
Financial Audit Education and Training Agency (Bandiklat PKN) experienced a
downward trend in the number of lesson hours from 2019 to 2021.
In the context of this research, researchers will
adopt a quantitative data approach, where data processing and analysis involve
mathematical or statistical calculation techniques that will be applied to a
particular sample or population. The results of the analysis will be described
using descriptive and associative research methods, which will be used in
hypothesis testing. The sampling technique used in this research is saturation
sampling, where the population consisting of 98 computer administrator
employees is taken as the research sample. The Likert scale is used to measure
each variable in social research, and it is utilized in assessing respondents'
attitudes, opinions, or perceptions toward a statement or event. This study has
specifically defined the variables that will be measured by the researcher.
Each item in the instrument using the Likert scale has a range of gradation
from very positive to very negative or is in the form of intervals on a scale
from 1 to 5.
Test Research Instruments
Validity test
Machali (2021) explains that
validity is a measure that indicates the extent to which a measuring instrument
is reliable and valid. Measuring instruments that have low validity show
invalidity, while valid measuring instruments show a high level of validity. To
test the validity of measuring instruments, the SPSS (Statistical Product and
Service Solution) method can be used with the Correlate Bivariate method with
the following principles that must be applied:
“VALID” Instrument if the rcount value > rtable or
the p-value <0.05.
“INVALID” Instrument if the value of
rcount < rtable or p-value > 0.05.
It is known that the r table value for N = 98 is 0.197, and
the calculated r is obtained from data processing using the SPSS
application. It was concluded
that all questionnaire instruments for each variable were declared valid,
because the value of rcount > rtable (0.197).
2) Reliability Test
A research
instrument is considered to have high reliability, according to Machali (2021), if the tests carried out by the instrument
produce significant consistency or stability in measuring certain objectives.
To measure the reliability of this instrument, analysis uses SPSS software with
Cronbach's alpha method. The basis for making decisions regarding the
reliability of the instrument is by comparing the Cronbach's alpha value on the
output reliability statistics according to the following criteria:
“ Less Reliable” if the value of Cronbach's alpha a <0.7.
Reliable” àInstrument if the
Cronbach's alpha value is > 0.7.
It was concluded
that all questionnaire instruments or questions for each variable were declared
reliable because Cronbach's alpha was > 0.7.
Classic assumption test
Normality test
Normality tests are explained in Figure
Figure 1. Normal PP Plot of Regression Standardized Residual Graph
Source: Results of primary data processing, 2023
seen in Figure 1 above, the data points follow a diagonal line, so it can be
concluded that the regression model is normally distributed.
Multicollinearity Test
The results of the
multicollinearity test are explained in Figure 2
Figure 2. Coefficient Table
According to Figure 2, the tolerance values obtained
for each independent variable are as follows:
Competence (X1) :
0.896 > 0.1
Compensation (X2) :
0.698 > 0.1
Career Development (X3) : 0.717
> 0.1
for the three
independent variables above, the tolerance value is greater (>) than 0.1.
Then, according to Figure 2, the VIF values obtained
for each independent variable are as follows:
Competence (X1) :
1.116 < 10
Compensation (X2) :
1.433 < 10
Career Development (X3) : 1.395
< 10
for the three
independent variables above, the VIF value is smaller (<) than 10.
According to the
results of points a) and b), it was concluded that the regression model did not
experience symptoms of multicollinearity.
Heteroscedasticity Test
heteroscedasticity tests are explained in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Scatter plot
Source: Results of primary data processing,
According to Figure 3 above, the
distribution of points in the scatterplot does not form a particular pattern,
so it can be concluded that the regression model does not have symptoms of
Data analysis method
The t-test
results can be explained by referring to Figure 2 above, and the t-table
value = (0.05/2; 98-3-1) = (0.025; 94) = 1.98552. Here are the results:
Variable (X1)
significance value obtained is 0.000 < 0.050; And
t value (10.952) > t table
So it can be
concluded that the hypothesis H1 is accepted, this means that there is a partial influence of Competence (X1) on the
dependent variable Employee Performance (Y).
Variable (X2)
significance value obtained was 0.521 > 0.050, And
t value (0.644) < t table (1.98552).
So it
can be concluded that the hypothesis H2 is rejected, this means that there is no partial influence of
Compensation (X2) on the dependent variable Employee Performance (Y).
Development Variable (X3)
significance value obtained was 0.961 > 0.050; And
t value (-0.05) < t table
So it can be
concluded that hypothesis H3 is rejected, this means that there is no partial
influence of Career Development (X3) on the dependent variable Employee
Performance (Y).
F test
The f test results can be explained by referring to Figure
4 below, and the f table value = (3; 98-3) = (3; 95) = 2.70. Here
are the results:
Figure 4. ANOVA table
Source: Results of primary data processing,
The significance
value obtained is 0.000 < 0.05, and the calculated f value (46.466)
> f table (2.70), it can be concluded that hypothesis H4 is
accepted; this means that there is an influence of Competence (X1), Compensation
(X2) and Career Development (X3) simultaneously on Employee Performance (Y).
Coefficient of Determination (R 2 )
The results of calculating the Coefficient of
Determination (R 2 ) refer to Figure 5.
5. Model Summary Table
Source: Results of primary
data processing, 2023
According to Figure 5 of the
Summary Model Table, the R Square value is 0.597, meaning that the influence of
the Competence (X1), Compensation (X2), and Career Development (X3) variables
simultaneously or together on the Employee Performance variable (Y) has an
influence of 59.7% and the remaining 40.3% is influenced by other variables not
The results of previous testing
and data analysis provide some information related to the research results and
how each variable influences other variables. The following is a discussion of
each variable:
The Influence of Competence on Employee Performance
The research results show that competence has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance. This is known from the
results of the t-test, namely the calculated t value (10.952) > t
table (1.98552). The significance value obtained is 0.000 < 0.050,
and the regression coefficient value is 0.397. Competence is a variable that
has a positive and significant influence on the performance of computer
administrator employees at BPK RI, so management needs to pay attention to
policy direction and aspects of competency development that computer administrator
employees really need.
The Effect of Compensation on Employee Performance
The research results show that compensation has a
positive and insignificant effect on employee performance. This is known from
the results of the t-test, namely the calculated t value (0.644)
< t table (1.98552) and, the significance value obtained is 0.521
> 0.050, and the regression coefficient value is 0.064. Compensation is a
variable that has a positive and insignificant effect on the performance of
computer administrator employees at BPK RI. However, management needs to pay
attention and ensure that the determination of compensation values in the form
of performance allowances for computer administrator employees at BPK RI must
be in accordance with the regulations that have been established so that
computer administrator employees can be motivated to further improve their
The Influence of Career Development on Employee
The research results show that career development has
a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance. This is known from
the results of the t-test, namely the calculated t value (-0.05)
< t table (1.98552). The significance value obtained is 0.961
> 0.050, and the regression coefficient value is -0.002. Career development
is a variable that has a negative and insignificant effect on the performance
of computer administrator employees at BPK RI. This can be a concern for
management, who must develop a structure and pattern of career development that
is clearer and more attractive for the functional positions of computer administrator
employees to achieve career development. Clear and interesting can improve the
performance of computer administrator employees in the future.
The Influence of Competence, Compensation, and Career
Development on Employee Performance
The research results show that competence,
compensation and career development have a positive and significant effect on
employee performance. This is known from the results of the f test, namely the calculated
f value (46.466) > table f (2.70). The significance value
obtained is 0.000 < 0.05, and the coefficient of determination value is
0.597. Competence, compensation, and career development are variables that have
a positive and significant influence on the performance of computer
administrator employees at BPK RI, with an influence value of 59.7%. These
three variables can be used as basic aspects for management to make policies
and decisions related to improving the performance of employees who hold
functional positions in computer administration employees within the BPK RI.
outcomes of the conducted data analysis and discussion have yielded various
conclusions pertinent to this research, notably: 1) the positive and
significant impact of competence on the performance of computer administrator
employees, 2) the positive yet insignificant influence of compensation on the
performance of computer administrator employees, 3) the negative and
insignificant association between career development and the performance of
computer administrator employees, and 4) the collectively positive and
significant effects of competence, compensation, and career development on the
performance of computer administrator employees. The author makes several
suggestions for various parties, including (1) for future research related to
the performance of computer administrator employees, it is recommended that
they do not involve compensation variables| and |career development| as
|free/independent |variable but involving variables| another is variable |
motivation and job satisfaction which have not been studied for their influence
on the performance of computer administrator employees in this research, and
(2) for management to pay attention to policy directions and aspects of
competency development that are needed by computer administrator employees so
that their performance can increase.
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